News & Stories

  • Lindsey Vechart

    Outreach Fellow Strengthens Sonography in Nicaragua

    Last fall, Lindsay Vechart worked as an ASRT Foundation Community Outreach Fellow in Nicaragua. The ongoing support of donors and volunteers like her has helped bring sonography to the nearly one million people who call the city of Managua home.
  • Safety First

    Applications Open for R.T. Safety Grants

    For the third year, Toshiba Medical and the ASRT Foundation have collaborated to offer Safety FiRsT grants to improve R.T. safety in the workplace. Applications for these grants will be accepted until June 30, 2017.
  • Timmerie Cohen

    Advancing Through Research

    A donor-funded ASRT Foundation research grant made it possible for Timmerie Cohen, Melanie Dempsey and Jeffrey Legg to find new ways to reduce radiation dose to patients. Research like theirs is helping R.T.s provide a higher level of patient care.
  • Dawn Fucillo

    Empowered to Advocate for Full Spectrum Care

    A donor-funded scholarship 17 years ago made it possible for Dawn Fucillo to earn her master’s degree and become a greater advocate for patients. As a donor and past recipient, she encourages the R.T. community to continue supporting one another.
  • Lynn Moore

    Award Sparks Interest in Research

    A Siemens Education Journey Award made it possible for Lynn Moore to attend an educational conference where her passion for research was ignited. Now, she is passionate about getting involved in research that will help advance the profession.