International Speakers Exchange Award

Each year thousands of radiologic science professionals from around the world come together to share best practices, the latest research results and knowledge gleaned from many years of experience. The International Speakers Exchange Award program provides the opportunity for three outstanding ASRT members to travel to one of these conferences each year and present to an audience of their peers and other related health care professionals.

The application period is now closed.


United Kingdom Imaging and Oncology Congress (UKIO)

United Kingdom Radiological Congress

The 2026 UKIO will be held June 8-10, in Liverpool, England. The congress is organized by Radiology Oncology Congresses, a charitable partnership of the British Institute of Radiology, The Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine, and The College of Radiographers. The three-day meeting covers all aspects of diagnostic imaging and oncology, as well as radiology informatics and service delivery.

CAMRT Annual Scientific Meeting

The 2026 CAMRT Annual Scientific Meeting will be held in Victoria, BC in May 29-30. This conference is for radiation oncologists, medical physicists, radiation therapists, basic science researchers, oncology nurses, administrators and trainees. However, all health care professionals involved in the care of oncology patients are welcome to attend.

Australian Society of Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy’s National Conference (ASMIRT)

The 2026 ASMIRT will be held March 26-29, in Hobart, Tasmania. This conference is for medical radiation science professionals. Convergence brings focus, where practitioners from Australia, New Zealand, and beyond, forming connections that elevate the collective knowledge and expertise of the profession .

Give Yourself an Advantage for Next Year

Now is a great time to begin thinking about the topic you'd like to discuss in front of an international audience. You can also sign up for the ASRT Affiliate Speakers Bureau to further establish yourself as an expert in your field.

What Does the Award Include?

  • Invitation to present in front of an international audience of radiologic science professionals
  • Conference registration expenses to either the ASMIRT, CAMRT or UKIO meeting
  • Travel between the United States and the country of the meeting location
  • Lodging
  • $500 stipend to cover food and related costs

Selection Criteria

Give yourself the best opportunity to be selected as a presenter. Your application and résumé should answer the following questions:

  • Is the proposed topic significant and relevant to what’s going on in health care today?
  • Is this topic of interest to an international audience?
  • Is the applicant qualified to present about this topic?
  • Does this applicant seem likely to continue researching or writing about this topic in the future?