
The value of higher education, most notably in health sciences disciplines, has never been more significant. ASRT Foundation scholarships help entry-level students and professionals get the support they need to achieve a successful, sustainable career and deliver safe, high-quality patient care.

The scholarship application period is now closed.


Apply for an ASRT Foundation Scholarship

  • Easy online application for ASRT members
  • Submit once and be considered for multiple awards
  • Save your progress and finish later
  • Based on a combination of commitment, achievement and financial need
  • Covers all accredited certificate and degree programs

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Current Scholarships for ASRT Members

Current Scholarships

Thanks to our generous donors and corporate supporters, we have over 70 scholarships available! Awards are available for all types of radiologic science students regardless of your specific area of interest.

Recent Scholarship Recipients

The ASRT Foundation awarded $422,375 in scholarships for the 2024-2025 academic year, including both professional and entry-level awards. Scholarship recipients were selected based on evidence of commitment, leadership, achievement and financial need.


Scholarship FAQ

Want to ensure you submit a successful application? Or maybe you're curious about when the checks are issued? See the full list of frequently asked questions to get the answers you need and improve your odds of receiving an award next spring.

Need Additional Scholarship Resources?

Additional ResourcesMany of our state affiliates and other professional societies offer scholarships for radiologic technologists and radiation therapists. The ASRT Foundation is proud to be part of such a generous community working together to ensure students have the tools and resources they need to achieve their educational dreams and professional goals.