News & Stories

  • Announcement Badge

    R.T.s Inspire Us To Do More

    You inspire the ASRT staff to go above and beyond in supporting the R.T. community. Because of your passion for patient care and the support you show one another, more than half of the ASRT staff donates to the ASRT Foundation through payroll giving.
  • Cheryl Duncan

    Make Your Application Stand Out

    As the incoming chairman of the Scholarship Review Committee, Cheryl Duncan offers some easy-to-follow steps to submit a high-quality scholarship application and make it stand out during the review process.
  • Jeff Legg

    Simple Steps To Secure Research Funding

    The new chairman of the Research and Grants Advisory Panel shares his advice on how to submit a high-quality letter of intent when applying for a research grant. A strong letter of intent is crucial in being invited to submit a full grant proposal.
  • ASRT CEO, Sal Martino

    Coming Together for a Brighter Tomorrow

    ASRT Chief Executive Officer Sal Martino is thrilled to be one of the donors who made the Celebration Campaign a success. In two short years, donors pledged more than $4 million toward creating a bright future for the profession.
  • Donna_ThalerLong_150

    Educator Knows Firsthand Importance of Scholarships

    As an educator, donor and past scholarship recipient, Donna Thaler Long knows firsthand the impact donors have on the professional community. She believes it’s important to empower students and professionals to become as educated as possible.