The ASRT is the premier professional association of people working in medical imaging and radiation therapy. Its mission is to advance and elevate the medical imaging and radiation therapy profession and to enhance the quality and safety of patient care.
The ARRT is the world's largest credentialing organization that seeks to ensure high-quality patient care in medical imaging, interventional procedures and radiation therapy. It promotes high standards of patient care by recognizing qualified individuals in medical imaging, interventional procedures and radiation therapy.
The ACR Foundation promotes radiology by soliciting, accepting and managing resources to advance the strategic initiatives of the American College of Radiology. Its mission is to support charitable, scientific and educational programs and services for the promotion and advancement of the field of radiology.
Founded in 1942 by a coalition of provincial associations, the CAMRT is Canada’s national professional association and certifying body for medical radiation technologists and therapists across the country. The CAMRT Foundation exists to support its members and the advancement of the profession and complements and enhances the educational activities of the professional association and its members.
RAD-AID began in 2008 to answer the need for more radiology and imaging technology in the resource-limited regions and communities of the world. What began as a few people at Johns Hopkins has now grown to include more than 2,700 contributors from 200 countries, 25 chapter organizations and on-site programs in more than 10 countries.
The Society & College of Radiographers is the trade union and professional body for the diagnostic imaging and radiotherapy workforce in the United Kingdom. It represents more than 90% of the diagnostic and therapeutic radiographers in the UK. The College of Radiographers is their charitable subsidiary and exists for the benefit of the public.