Sep. 29, 2016
Occupational stress is an often-ignored issue that radiologic technologists face. Our profession by nature can be stressful, and yet limited research has been conducted to identify ways to reduce or manage stress in the workplace for R.T.s.
I received a donor-funded grant in fall 2013 to help me complete my study, Evaluation of Stress and a Stress-Reduction Program Among Radiologic Technologists, which investigated stress levels and causes of stress among radiologic technologists. My goal was to determine whether a stress-reduction program could improve personal well-being, reduce human errors, improve relationships in the workplace and increase job satisfaction.
Because of support from donors like you, I was able to complete the study and publish my findings in the 2015 November/December issue of Radiologic Technology. The results shed light on specific occupational stressors and identified methods to reduce their impact. Results show that we can improve the overall work environment for medical imaging and radiation therapy professionals. The individuals who participated in the study indicated that they became more aware of specific causes of workplace stress and affirmed that the methods introduced in the program reduced their stress levels.
I thank all of the donors who made possible the research grant I received. Continued research in the radiologic sciences is extremely important as it promotes progress, encourages new learning and draws attention to areas that might not have received adequate consideration. Donors helped to improve the lives of those who participated in my research, and I’m excited to share these findings to help our entire community.
I hope you will support research grants through the Foundation so future studies can be conducted to improve our profession. Continued research funding will help guarantee that new ideas are supported and brought to reality in the radiologic sciences.
As a professional community we have to progress and work to diminish complacency in order to not only advance our profession, but to also enhance the care we provide our patients. When you make a gift to the Foundation you are making it possible for more research to be conducted by R.T.s.
We must continue to test our methods through research. Just because a method is effective does not mean it is the best option. It is up to us to constantly seek out more efficient, safer and more innovative ways to treat our patients. I urge the members of the medical imaging and radiation therapy community to continue to make a difference in the future of our profession by making research grant opportunities possible through generous gifts to the Foundation.